Infiammazione & SNC: dalle cause scatenanti agli approcci nutrizionali
13h di lezione per fornire al professioniste delle chiavi di interpretazione, dal punto di vista del cervello
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Neuroinflammation, functional approach
Diet, lifestyle and Neuroinflammation
Analysis of novel Nutritional treatment possiblities targeting disruptive activity of microglia & astrocytes in ASD
The Contribution of environmental toxicity in the development of various neurological disorders
Mitochondrial dysfunction drives age-related diseases
Toxic load and neuroinflammation
Neuroinflammation, eating behavior and mood: clinical strategies within functional medicine
Physical activity and neuroinflammation
The Canary’s Song: a primer on neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. Early Biomarkers of a brain on fire
Glycemic load and neuroinflammation, intermittent fasting and time restricted eating approach
The bredessen protocol: a functional approach to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Diagnostica di precisione: Metabolomica nelle malattie croniche